Treasures & Art Studio Moments

A lot has changed in a few short months. The most obvious change may be that my website has been redesigned and now has an integrated store where my paintings can be purchased. I feel very good about it. It was time to clean things up. I’m learning more about WordPress, SEO, and optimizing art portfolio sites, which leads me to the other changes.

I no longer work for Whole Foods Market as a store artist. I spent over two years there. When I moved to Asheville I knew very few people here. When I landed the job as a designer and chalk artist I didn’t just gain a job. I also gained a community. My store was nestled right up against downtown and in a busy neighborhood. I learned about my new city by working there, getting to know regulars and spending time with my coworkers. Change is good, but I am glad I spent that time there. It helped me create a home.

I am now spending more time in my art studio, writing articles, starting a local sketch group and freelancing in social media marketing. I am helping other artists build an online presence, find new audiences, and increase sales. I already used to do it for Jason quietly behind the scenes. It’s been fun. I like it. I want to continue this kind of work. I learn something new everyday to help others and myself.

I’ve updated my portfolio with the help of a good friend with a good camera. If you check out the fine art section, you will see photos of paintings I have completed over the past two years. It feels good to share them. I like being able to look back on them and know that I’ve been moving in a direction this whole time of transition, heartache, and adventure.

Ms. Ethel Levesque, my old lady calico, has joined Cat Chaplin and me in my little apartment. I am now a single woman with two cats. I’m okay with that. They are good company. I think the worst thing about it is that Ethel has taught Chaplin how to open cabinets. He now paws them open and bangs the doors in protest if I am not providing him the kind of attention he wants and when he wants it.

I’m learning how to manage my time to be more productive. It’s a weird thing to have time to work in my studio. It bewildered me at first, but now I’ve accepted my new circumstances and started a new body of work! I am not the artist I want to be, perhaps I never will be. I firmly believe that if you are always satisfied with the quality of your work, that might mean you have stagnated and are not progressing. That said, I am excited! I feel that I’ve broken some of my own barriers. I’m applying my lessons and watching myself create work a few steps closer to what I want it to be.

I’m not afraid of my art studio anymore. Does that sound weird? Has anyone else been afraid of being alone with their work? 

Now that winter is here, I find my work reflecting the cold decay of the outside. I’ve gathered my little forest trash and treasures around me, all brown, dry, and brittle, to tell new stories.


Artwork Forever Homes


Goodbye Summer