Unicorns – More Childhood Scribblings

You can practically hear the dot matrix printer grinding away when looking at these pages!

While in elementary school(Garrettford Elementary was a Great Place to Grow!), I participated in some creative writing classes. Our county schools also participated in a program/contest called The Young Authors, where kids submitted stories they wrote yearly, which were then judged by grade. I loved it and won several times.

This little book, for which I never finished the drawings for all the pages, was from a summer creative writing class. I was likely in 3rd grade at the time. I was really excited when I found it in a box at my parent's house. It's been interesting to see that the themes in my paintings go back so far—unicorns and skulls.

It's clear I loved fantasy as a child. My favorite toys were My Little Pony dolls, She-Ra, and my Rainbow Brite. This little book was probably inspired by watching The Last Unicorn. I was also obsessed with Unico. It was life-changing when that came on the Disney channel.


Portait Painting PAFA Class


Nesting in Pennslyvania