Assemblage Sculpture Portfolio

My assemblage constructions are a direct reflection of the childhood play I am constantly seeking. By using materials from our early crafting days to build diorama-like spaces, I aim to trigger a memory of grade school art class in my audience. This memory includes the sense of play, the smell, and the taste of the paste. The process of building these structures is a reenactment of the memory I have of constructing spaces for my toys, a task I took on when store-bought doll houses or plastic castles couldn't meet my imagination’s demands.

2019 Philly Tornado - 2019

Watercycle - 2019

Soup Lagoon - 2018

Flesh Meteors - 2019

To Be Someone’s June Summer Night - 2018

Tornado Skies - 2018

The Meteor - 2018

Dreaming to Sleep- 2018

Rainbow Skipping - 2018

Psychic Device- 2013



